DISAB Industrial Vacuum System Rentals
✔ Oil-free ✔ HEPA filters available ✔ Famously reliable

- Fully enclosed and mounted on self-tipping skip
- Dust up to 40mm debris
- 12.5 kW
- Dry or moist material

- Big-bag collection ideal for recycling or bagging
- Dust up to 50mm debris
- 16.5 / 25 kW
- Dry or moist material

- Direct waste into skips, bins, bags or onto conveyors
- Dust up to 50mm debris
- 16.5 kW
- Dry or moist material

- Fully enclosed hopper mounted on trailer
- Dust up to bulky debris
- 48 / 58 kW
- Dry or wet material
Vacuum Uses
Which Vacuum Should I Rent?
Find the right vacuum system for your factory or workshop. Customers typically realise immediate productivity, waste management and health & safety benefits.
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About Us
Since 1976 Sweden’s DISAB has designed and manufactured market-leading vacuum systems and cleaners. DISAB’s innovative, highly efficient and famously reliable equipment is used for applications including dust and waste removal, spillage control, deep cleans and for the collection of hazardous or toxic dusts.
DISAB vacuums are used in industrial settings including ports, steelworks, power stations, quarries & mines, waste recycling, wood processing, concrete manufacture, building materials, paper and textiles. We exclusively provide the rental, sales and support for DISAB vacuum systems in Australia and New Zealand. About us